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Transactional Workflows

Power your business communications and close more deals

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Elevate your customer experience,  drive deeper customer engagement through the sales funnel, and delight your referral partners with our co-branded transactional email and SMS workflows. 

Cost: $490 +GST  per month | How Billed: monthly RCTI

Features | Benefits

Don't miss out on this cost-effective way to keep your customers and referrers engaged through the finance journey. From application received to settlement and review our transactional workflows do the heavy lifting for you

Move your customers through the sales funnel faster with transactional workflows!

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How it works

When customer leads are generated through your Zink application, website page, referral partner or idev integration the customer is automatically mapped to both the broker and/or referral partner and will automatically appear in your Zink dashboard  

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Lead capture

Zink will automatically trigger the welcome workflow upon customer contact detail data capture and where relevant the referral partner notification workflow.  

Lead Status Updates

Progression workflows are then triggered by automated status updates based on either consumer actions or broker actions inside Zink. As statuses update consumers are automatically enrolled in the status workflow and remain there until the next status requirements are met.

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Google Review & Next Steps

On settlement, all successful customers are sent a link to leave a review on your Google My Business page after which they are moved to a no-contact list inside the Ausloans database.  Alternatively, if you choose to opt-in to our post-transactional nurturing workflow your leads will automatically enter this powerful engagement and remarketing funnel

Declined Leads

Leads that are declined due to credit issues will automatically be enrolled into the perfect score workflow. This is a free service however brokers will be charged a Perfect Score service fee of $250 per declined client who reapplies after credit repair and settles a loan.  

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Complimentary Products

Co-branded workflows work well with the following related products. Explore them now!